Order History

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First, we must say THANK YOU, to our customers, friends, associates and families who have been supportive over the years the mall has been on the internet. If you have been a regular visitor for awhile, you know the site is constantly evolving and improving as we grow and learn. We continue to find new ways to make it better and better and invite your comments and input.

We'd like to share with you how OPW Mall came into existence. It is a remarkable story and perhaps you will see why we feel it is so special.

After getting my very first computer in September of 2001, it was exciting and fun to surf the net and shop on eBay. It was a welcome diversion from home health care (we had an adult foster home, which was a 24/7 home business). It was time to change gears and pursue another line of work, as the demands of my work were taking their toll.

It didn't take long for the computer to become a favorite activity. This new-found toy had opened up a whole new world to me.

One day, I found myself sitting in front of the computer and saying a simple prayer...

"Lord, if it is okay with you, I'd like to change jobs. Please give me something according to your will...that...

* Involves the computer...

* Is Creative...

* Allows me to stay at home. Thank you Jesus... Amen

In the weeks following this prayer, ideas began emerging...

OregonPatchWorks Mall was born!!

Another thing I didn't realize until a couple of years after starting the site is the Lord was already paving the way 10 years before. I went to a little church for the first time with my father in law... the pastor's wife was speaking and she pointed to me and said "I have a Word for you from the Lord". I had never met her before, but I said "okay..." and opened my heart. She said "The Lord is preparing you for a work where you will witness to millions of people". Of course I had no idea what she was talking about, but said "Ok, I accept it!"... Now I know, it is this business. "Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul." (Psalm 66:16 )

What you see here on these pages is the natural progression of the events from 2001 until now and the result of that simple little prayer spoken without any specific goals in mind. Our organization is a "dream in the making"... a growing, vibrant collaboration of folks all over the world who each do what they do best. It is a diamond in the rough, which hopefully touches many lives in a positive way. The spirit of love that brought this site into existence is the same Spirit of Love you feel, when you visit and why you will feel right at home with us...

Our motto is "Where your dreams become a reality, one stitch at a time!"

Thank you for visiting and we hope you have enjoyed finding out.."Where We Began"

Have fun viewing the beautiful designs the excellent digitizers at OPW have to offer and join our free Members Only Club, which will give you access to our free services and weekly samples, our newsletters and special offers. Sign up HERE.

"Come often - Stay Long - Enjoy Much!"

Hugs and Blessings <>< Jackie

Contact: Jackie@oregonpatchworks.com

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