See 1000's of top quality machine embroidery designs
Each week, we email out a newsletter, like the current newsletter below. To keep informed about new designs, special offers and more, sign up by using the NEWSLETTER link in menu. Members also get new free sample designs weekly.
You can hide any sections you wish, by clicking the red title bars.
The Sampler shown below is the newest one of the hundreds of Sampler sets available now (you get all 8 designs with each sampler!). We add new ones every month! PS: Your points don't expire, so add to your sampler points and use them anytime! Here's how it works: Each $1 spent = 1 point. When you reach 25 points, choose a sampler (8 designs in each sampler, to sample different designers' work).
NEW MEMBERS-ONLY DOWNLOADS are added each week. These are designs for you to try different designers' work. DO NOT share these sample designs. They are copyrighted, as are all our designs. You can easily send people to the website so they can register and download a copy for themselves.
THANK YOU in advance for supporting the designers and OPW by spreading the word to your friends. This is important for our success and ability to continue supplying fantastic designs.
Below are the new designs added since the last newsletter. Want to see even more? Check out the WHAT IS NEW page.
$4 | $2.00 PER SINGLE
$25 | $7.50 PER SET
$5 | $2.50 PER SINGLE
$20 | $6.00 PER SET
$8 | $4.00 PER SINGLE
$5 | $2.50 PER SINGLE
$20 | $6.00 PER SET
$8 | $4.00 PER SINGLE
$5 | $2.50 PER SINGLE
$20 | $6.00 PER SET
$8 | $4.00 PER SINGLE
$5 | $2.50 PER SINGLE
$20 | $6.00 PER SET
$8 | $4.00 PER SINGLE
$20 | $6.00 PER SET
$10 | $5.00 PER SINGLE
$8 | $4.00 PER SINGLE
Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
There is power in prayer. Dear Father, Thank you for guiding us through this life. Please help us to honor you in all that we do. Forgive us as we forgive our brothers and sisters. When we fall short, pick us up and give us the strength to carry on. We love you and want to serve you with our whole hearts. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Need prayer? Contact Jackie privately at Reach out to me (Jackie) at any time. I care about your well-being and would be honored to pray with you.
Note: We realize that some of you do not think or believe the same way as we do. But we know there are enough who look forward to having a safe place to read scriptures and say a little prayer. We hope you are blessed by the heartfelt sharing in Jackie's corner.
The scripture shared here is the King James version. Bible Gateway is a good resource for any version you want to read. If you want to listen to the Word, you can do that on Biblica.
CUSTOM DIGITIZING is now available. We can create one of a kind, personalized designs for you. We do fill stitch, line stitch, logos and much more. Come see our many samples on the custom digitizing page and submit your quote request.